We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

CLIMATE ACTION NEW PLAY COLLECTION seeks plays centering around climate change


Deadline: April 7, 2025

In conjunction with Sixth Fest, Chicago.

Uplifting the next generation of storytellers to incite change

New plays centering around climate change that are 2-15 minutes long and can be performed with a cast of 1-6 actors. 

As the climate emergency and its uncomfortable effects escalate, it is imperative to become comfortable talking about the changing climate and to seek ways to advocate for action.
We’re looking for play submissions to inspire, educate, and activate.


12 submissions will be selected and chosen playwrights will be compensated with a $300.00 honorarium.

A staged reading of the plays will also be performed in Spring or Fall 2025 at The Theatre School at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.

Further, selected plays will be made available, website TBD, in an accessible collective for a two-year period. This would mean that the play could be read and staged by anyone within these two years. There are no contractual obligations or royalties paid to playwrights whose scripts are selected. Finalist plays may be asked to give limited license for productions.

Please direct any questions or concerns to peglesto@depaul.edu

Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize 2025


Deadline: April 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM BST 


The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize 2025 - Awarded for the best playwriting response on the theme of Fear.

The winner and runners-up will receive financial support in the following amounts:


First place: £3,000

Second place: £1,000

Third place: £1,000


Open to all nationalities.

Applicants must be aged 18 or above at the time of entry.

All entries must be written in English.

You can enter multiple prizes.

Plays must not have been professionally produced (this means a run of more than a week for which the audience must buy tickets, it does not include rehearsed readings or workshops.)

Submissions are judged anonymously so please do not include your name on your script.


To apply you will be asked to submit the following:

A completed play that responds to the theme of Fear. The response is up to you and if you think your work is a response, then you are eligible to submit. Plays must be longer than 30 minutes (which is likely around 30-pages)

A short statement about how your work responds to the theme.

A brief summary of your past work and writing experience.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Bravo Theatre in Mexico seeks full-length plays


Deadline: none - the first 40 scripts will be accepted

Submit scripts to submissions@thebravo.org, in Word or PDF format. First 40 scripts received will be accepted.

The Bravo Theatre in Mexico is having a summer reading series only for full-length plays that have never had a reading. Selected plays will receive a staged reading (six rehearsals). One performance, live audience, and live video feed for the playwright, who will receive audience and cast feedback immediately following the performance.

Staged readings are fully blocked but have no capacity for major set changes. Our stage is 24 wide by 17 deep.

The actor pool is exclusively age 60 and up. Please do not submit plays that absolutely require actors of a younger age. Maximum cast size is 6. Scripts must be in English.

Our goal is assist you in preparing for your next draft. Please do not submit any plays that already had readings or plays you do not intend to develop further.

BBC World Service & British Council International Audio Drama Competition 2026


Deadline: June 4, 2025 11:00 GMT


Welcome to the BBC World Service & British Council International Audio Drama Competition 2026. To enter, you’ll need to complete the  online submission form and supply us with:

The script for your 40-50 minute audio drama with up to six central characters. This should be submitted as a PDF file

A written synopsis outlining the complete story of your audio drama. This should be no more than 400 words long and submitted as a PDF file.

The competition closes at 11.00 GMT 4 June 2025, and is only open to writers outside of the UK
Entrants must also be over the age of 18 as of 4 June 2025.

We will be unable to enter into any correspondence, except with shortlisted entries, and we are also unable to acknowledge receipt of scripts.

Please do not send us amendments or further drafts once your place has been submitted.

Please do not send cassettes, CDs, DVDs, mp3s, videos or sheet music with your play – it is not necessary at the entry level and they cannot be returned to you.

If you would prefer to enter via email or post, you may download an entry form here.

Monday, March 24, 2025

SPRING 2025 Online Class in Writing the Ten-Minute Play

 Spring online classes in Writing the Ten-Minute Play are now open for enrollment. 

Award-winning playwright and musical theatre writer Arianna Rose is offering two online sections in Writing The Ten-Minute Play.

Arianna has taught this course for the Dramatists Guild Institute, Delray Beach Playhouse, and other playwriting and creative writing courses both online and in-person in NY and FL.

"Writing for the Stage: The Ten-Minute Play" 

Six Sessions, 3 hours each session: choose one section

1. Mondays, 1 – 4 pm EST (April 7 – May 12)
2. Thursdays, 6:30 - 9:30 pm EST, (April 3 – May 15) (no class May 1) 
Tuition: $ 299 early bird till March 27; $329 after 

Discount: $20 discount for members of The Dramatists Guild, Playwright Binge, or South Florida Theatre League.

Minimum of 3 participants per section; maximum of 8.

Course Description: 
Ten-minute play festivals continue to grow in popularity around the world, with readings, productions, and publications at every level of theatre. While short-form plays share some similarities with full-length storytelling, the dramatists who excel in this form have learned how to write into the differences. I can help you join their ranks and give you the tools to write to the highest level of craft.

This eight-session course is a combination of lecture, reading, discussion, and most importantly, in-class sharing of your work for feedback. Whether you’re a new or seasoned dramatist, Writing The Ten-Minute Play will assist you in your craft. Topics include the elements of a successful 10-minute play, dramatic structure, generating ideas, character development, giving and receiving constructive feedback, effective rewrites, formatting your play, submissions, and log-keeping.Please contact Arianna Rose at rockawayrose@gmail.com, or via her website where there is more course information: https://ariannarose.net/playwriting-classes-and-other-workshops


Arianna Rose is the Dramatists Guild Ambassador for South Florida, a Dramatists Guild Institute Instructor and Pip Mentor, professional dramaturg, Theatre Professor, and an award-winning playwright and musical theatre writer. Recipient of the MAC Song of the Year Award, the York Theatre NEO, and numerous best short play awards. Her work has been produced in 37 states and ten countries. Published: Smith & Kraus, Applause Books, Theatre Odyssey Publications & Gemco Publications Australia. 2019-2021 Miami-Dade County Playwright Development Program, moderated by Kia Corthron. She created and moderates the weekly Plays on Purpose/Miami New Musicals stage writers group, in its sixth year. M.F.A., NYU Tisch Graduate Musical Theatre Writing; B.A. Theatre, Bucknell University; BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Writing Workshop. Memberships: ASCAP, LMDA, MAESTRA, Musicians Union, New Play Exchange, South Florida Theatre League, Dramatists Guild of America  http://www.ariannarose.net

Interested but not available?
If you are interested but don't have availability for that day and times, please email me at rockawayrose@gmail.com and I'll compile a list for another section or future course.

One-on-One Private Dramaturgy
If you prefer one-on-one coaching, I am a member of the Dramaturg and Literary Managers Association of the Americas (LMDA) and the Dramatists Guild Plays-in-Progress Mentor Program. More information here: 


Go Try Play Write ~ March 2025


Deadline: March 31, 2025


The prompt for March 2025 is:

A purgatorio prompt. Write a 10-page maximum scene or an 8-page max monologue of someone who may end up in purgatory, unless... This is the moment when they can choose an action that will either land them in heaven or hell. If they make no choice, they end up in purgatory. Think of the world we’re in now, and the choices we’re facing.

There will be one winner each month. Scripts will be submitted to the judges anonymously. Winners will receive $100 and a subscription to Bamboo Ridge Press. Woo!

A Note To Our Writers: Starting next month, I’ll be creating prompts based on a book by Timothy Snyder, ON TYRANNY: Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century. It’s a small book, and you can listen to him read it on YouTube, but being familiar with the work may help you create from the prompt. I won’t be doing such prompts every month. Also, I’m not looking for political diatribes, but the human costs of tyranny on us; people living in the coming of or through the onslaught of tyranny. Be open to creating scenes of tragedy, comedy, and/or satire. —Harry Wong III

The Soliloquist Magazine seeks soliloquies for its Spring 2025 issue


Deadline: April 5, 2025

Email: thesoliloquistmag@gmail.com 

The Soliloquist Magazine is inviting poems and soliloquies for its first issue (Spring 2025 issue). Please read the following submission guidelines:

Theme for Spring 2025 issue:
"Unfinished Dialogues":
Pieces exploring conversations we have with ourselves but never fully resolve.

Submission Guidelines

1. Send up to 5 poems/soliloquies (no more than 40 lines each).
2. Include a brief bio in third person (50–100 words).
3. Submissions must be original and unpublished.
4. Email your work to thesoliloquistmag@gmail.com with the subject line “ Spring 2025 Submission – [Your Name].”

Important dates:
Submission Deadline for Spring Issue: April 05, 2025
Publication Date: April 15, 2025
Notification Timeline: Within 1 week of submission.

"Share Your Soliloquy"

The World wants to hear your voice. Whether it’s a whispered confession, a bold declaration, or a quiet meditation, The Soliloquist is here to amplify your words.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Kingdom Theatre 10 Minute Harvest Festival


Deadline: June 30, 2025

Submit to-kingdommtctheatre@gmail.com

Convening November 2025 Kingdom Theatre presents Harvest Festival. Featuring a series of Diverse 10 minute plays 

Calling Emerging and Experienced playwrights showcase your play before Industry professionals and live audience.

We provide the following,
  • Theatre venue with 2 large dressing rooms, spacious auditorium theatre 
  • Catered Food and Reception 
  • Creative staff and Actors to produce your play.
  • Rehearsals and Readings for your play 
  • Promotions for your play.
  • The Harvest Festival will convene the 1st three Saturdays in November with live performances and Reception 
Zero Submission Fee

If you are selected you must pay registration fee $80

Stonecoast Review now open for the Summer 2025 Issue (#23) submissions


Deadline: April 15, 2025 at 1:59 p.m


SUMMER 2025 — ISSUE #23

Theme: Power
What do you think of when you hear the word “power”? What does it mean to have power? What does it mean to use it? What does it mean to abuse it? How does it feel when it’s taken away? 
The word connotes different definitions and bears different weights for each of us. It manifests itself in unexpected ways and settings, and remains absent or suppressed in so many others. 

We support the Stonecoast community’s goal to promote inclusivity, equity, and social justice through writing.

Genres Accepted: We solicit fiction, pop (genre) fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, dramatic works, experimental literature, and visual art. We can’t wait to see your best pieces! Stonecoast Review offers feedback on selected submissions.

Issue Format: Beginning with Issue 21, released in June 2024, Stonecoast Review assumed the form of a print/online hybrid journal. The print form now consists of a 48-page chapbook, with full color art throughout, as well as a QR code that directs readers to more new content on StonecoastReview.org. As such, all pieces selected for publication will be featured online but, due to page limitations, only a select number of pieces will be able to be featured in the print Issue. Please see below for new guidelines regarding word count limitations for each type of publication.

We want to read literature and take in media that explore, provoke, challenge, reconsider, evoke, or explode that concept for you.

Submission GuidelinesSend submissions via Submittable only.
  • Please include a short cover letter and bio (50- and 100-word max., respectively).
  • We accept one prose submission, one poetry submission (of up to three poems), or five pieces of visual art per author, per submission cycle. Submissions that do not abide by these rules will not be considered for publication.
  • Your work must be previously unpublished. (Stonecoast alumni may submit already published work for consideration as reprints.)
  • We encourage simultaneous submissions. However, please withdraw your submission immediately if it’s accepted elsewhere. If you submit multiple poems and one is accepted at another publication, please attach a note on Submittable identifying which poem is no longer available.
  • Please adhere to standard manuscript format: Double spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font. Poetry may be single spaced. (If you tell us that diverging from these rules is integral to your piece, we will consider it.)
  • While we love to represent stories with raw, emotional truth, we ask that you refrain from submitting pieces featuring excessive sex, violence, assaults, or suicide.
  • We will reject pieces determined to be written by the use of AI software.

Genre Guidelines

As a reminder, all pieces selected for publication will be featured online in June 2025. Due to page constraints, only a few of these selected pieces will be featured in both the print and online Summer 2025 Issue. Please see below for word count limitations based on consideration for either Hybrid (Print + Online) or General (Online-only) publication formats.

Dramatic Works. We are seeking short dramatic works of all types. Plays, screenplays, and hybrid works including monologues, one-minute scripts, ten-minute scripts, and experimental works are all welcome. Excerpts from longer dramatic works are welcome if they stand on their own. We are interested in pieces that represent diverse voices and creatively explore the many facets of power, including the presence and absence of it.

Limit submissions to five pieces.

One submission per author, per submission cycle, of up to five pieces.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Neukom Literary Arts Award for Playwriting 2025


Deadline: May 1, 2025 at 5PM

Submission form 

The Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth College – in collaboration with Northern Stage – is excited to announce the 2025 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Awards for Playwriting, for full-length plays and other full-length works for the theater addressing the question “What does it mean to be a human in a computerized world?”. The award comes with a $5,000 honorarium as well as a weeklong workshop and public reading produced by Northern Stage (https://northernstage.org/) in early 2026. Note that works that have received a full production are NOT eligible for the competition.

Details are as follows:

Questions? Email Brandy (Yijin) Zhang bzhang@northernstage.org and Mandi Benjamin mbenjamin@northernstage.org.

Submissions must include

An anonymized (blinded) copy of the piece
Playwright resume/bio
Production history of the piece

1 page statement of purpose that answers the following questions:A. How does your piece address the theme of exploring humanity in our computerized, digital world?

B. The winning play will have a weeklong workshop and public reading at Northern Stage in White River Junction, VT in early 2026. What are your developmental goals for the play and how would this workshop serve those goals?

The Inkwell Theater Development LAB fellowship


Deadline: April 30, 2025


A unique program in Los Angeles, the LAB aims to bring the writer out of their office, or coffee shop, and into the rehearsal room. While we recognize the necessity for writers to work on their own, we believe that nothing benefits works-in-progress more than artistic collaboration.

The LAB is focused on developing new plays through a collaborative workshop process. We believe that by working in a rehearsal setting with a director and actors, a playwright can best further their plays. Playwrights tell us often how they gained new insights from simply seeing their work with a cast, not to mention the constructive input from directors and other artists.

We begin with a writer and their first draft. During a 3-week intensive process, writers will not only see and hear that draft as written but will also see their rewrites, changes, and inspired ideas come to life. This is aided by introducing an experienced and versatile director, bringing their own unique insights to the play. Mixing in a cast of talented performers only adds to the volume of artistic brainpower being brought to bear upon the play. And pulling the playwright into the rehearsal room brings the whole thing together.

The playwrights selected for each LAB season are the recipients of The Lerner Fellowship, which provides financial, logistical, and artistic support. 

  • Anyone is eligible to submit. There are no restrictions based on age, experience, representation, formal training or union-affiliation.
  • Please submit only full, completed scripts. It can be an early draft, but we do require a compete script in order to evaluate the submission.
  • Submitted work cannot have been previously produced. (Private workshops and readings are not considered productions).
  • Commissioned work is not eligible for submission.
  • Previous applicants may re-apply, but only with new material. We do not accept plays that have been previously submitted.
  • Submissions from writers outside of the LA area are accepted, but the writer is responsible for transportation and accommodations (if selected).
  • Please limit your submissions to one every six months
If selected for the Max K. Lerner Fellowship, playwrights will be offered a rehearsal and presentation slot during the LAB season and a $1000 honorarium. The Inkwell Theater Development LAB will provide a professional team of artists (director, actors, dramaturge, etc) and production support, as well as rehearsal and production space. For more information, you can contact us at lab@inkwelltheater.com

Friday, March 21, 2025

Page 73 Development Programs 2026


Deadline: April 27, 2025 by 11:59 PM 


Each year Page 73 meets the talented playwrights we work with through this free application.

Applications for the 2026 programs are now open. The deadline to submit is April 27, 2025 by 11:59 PM EST.

On Tuesday, April 1 at 6pm ET, Page 73 will host an application information session via Zoom with Artistic Director Michael Walkup, Associate Artistic Director Kari Olmon, and 2025 Playwriting Fellow Lori Felipe-Barkin. RSVP here.

Applicants for both programs:

1. The applicant must be a US resident at the time of participation;

2. The applicant must have completed at least 2 full-length plays or at least 3 one-act plays;

3. The applicant must have made a commitment to playwriting as a professional goal;

4. The applicant must have never received a production in New York City that is fully contracted with Actors Equity Association and ran for at least four weeks or twenty-one performances;

5. The applicant must not be enrolled in a full-time degree/certificate program at the time of participation.

Writers Group applicants:

Attendance at all Writers Group sessions is extremely important. Please do not apply for the Writers Group if you will be unable to attend meetings in New York City on a regular basis. Priority is given to writers who are not involved in other similarly supported institutional writing groups.

We understand this application occurs well in advance of 2026. If you are not sure about your plans for 2026, you are welcome to apply for the Writers Group and update us regarding your eligibility.

The Democracy Cycle 2025


Deadline: April 1, 2025, 5:00 PM EDT

Over a 5-year period, The Democracy Cycle – a collaboration between the Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC) and Civis Foundation (an affiliate of Galvan Initiatives) – will commission and develop a total of 25 new performing arts works across the fields of theater, dance, music, opera, and multi-disciplinary performance that express themes related to the nature and practice of democracy, particularly as it is practiced in the United States.

  • Our hope is that the commissioned projects will enrich and expand discussion of and participation in democracy – be it in the national, state, regional, or hyperlocal community realm – as it is practiced within the United States and worldwide. The Democracy Cycle project is inspired by the following beliefs:Democratic values are a global expression of humanity’s striving to live with one another with respect and in peace.
  • Democracy, as practiced in the United States, includes a history of founding exclusions. It has been, and must continue to be, the ongoing work of our society to expand upon the ideals of inclusivity embedded in our founding documents.
  • Democracy faces significant perceived and actual threats in the current moment, both domestically and internationally.
  • The Intersection of capitalism and democracy creates both opportunities and tensions.
  • Artists are the beating heart of democratic values because of their ability to imagine new worlds, envision new possibilities, and provoke meaningful discourse across divides.
The primary focus of The Democracy Cycle will be on democracy as it is currently being practiced in the United States. However, commissioned projects may include references to democracies worldwide provided they have potential for informing and deepening our understanding of American democracy.

The Commission

Each selected artist will receive $60,000 in support, consisting of a commission of $30,000 to create the new work as well as an additional $30,000 in support of the work’s development process (research, readings, workshops etc.).

  • January 13, 2025: Application portal opens for The Democracy Cycle’s 2025 Open Call
  • February 13, 2025, 1:00 PM ET: Live webinar where the Democracy Cycle staff will give an overview of the steps to apply and the application elements, with an opportunity for questions and answers at the end.
  • April 1, 2025, 5:00 PM ET: Application deadline date for 2025 Open Call
  • April-July 2025: Applications are screened for eligibility by TDC staff. Eligible proposals are reviewed by a minimum of two Readers. Using Readers’ evaluative scores, a list of finalists is developed.
  • Spring/summer 2025: A peer panel drawn from the fields of performing arts, and the study and practice of democracy reviews finalists’ proposals and selects 8 projects to receive the 2025 commissions.
  • Fall 2025: All 2025 Open Call applicants notified of their project’s status
  • Early 2026: The Democracy Cycle’s Open Call timeline and guidelines announced
Eligible applicants must:
  • Be generative artists who are currently creating new work in theater, dance, music, opera, or multi-disciplinary performance
  • Have created, completed, and premiered at least 2 full-length prior works of live performance publicly, as evidenced by their bio, CV and/or work samples (Note: Staged readings and/or workshop showings are not premieres.)
  • Propose a new live performance work which may be at any stage of development, but may not be planned to premiere before May 1, 2025. (Remounts of previously completed/premiered works are ineligible.)
  • Propose a new live performance work which is planned to be completed in 2026, 2027, or 2028.
  • Be prepared to manage the income-tax implications of accepting a commission from a U.S.-based arts organization. (U.S. citizenship is not a requirement, this is a national and international open call.)

Proposals are not eligible if
  • The lead artist is enrolled as a full-time student in a degree-granting program. Ph.D. candidates need to have completed their course work by the application deadline to be eligible
  • The lead artist is under the age of eighteen
  • The main purpose of the project is the curation or documentation of existing work(s)
  • The proposed work advocates by name for the success or failure of a current partisan candidate for office or a political party
  • The lead artist or any of the main collaborators are employees or immediate family of employees of PAC NYC or Galvan Initiatives

Selection Criteria

Readers and panelists will consider the following in selecting the commissioned projects:How does the proposed work expand, critique, or celebrate democracy, the practice of democracy, and democratic ideals?

How has the artist or artists identified and responded to ideas or themes related to democracy, including core democratic principles and values (ex. political equality, majority rule, minority rights, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, among others.)

Does the work demonstrate clear potential for generating meaningful reflection and discourse on democracy as demonstrated by project narrative, samples of prior work, and artistic history of its collaborators.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Discount tickets ~ BECKETT BRIEFS with F. Murray Abraham

Starring Oscar winner F. Murray Abraham, Beckett Briefs follows three short works by Irish playwright Samuel Beckett. By popular demand and following a sold-out run, Irish Rep is thrilled to bring the show to the comfort of your home. 

Limited on-demand streams will be available, so grab your tickets fast—once they’re gone, they’re gone! 


Available: Now – March 30, 2025

72-Hour Access: Watch on your own schedule!


ThinkTank Theatre TYA Playwrights Festival


Deadline: March 25 2025


In this fifth season of our TYA Playwrights Festival, ThinkTank Theatre seeks to provide a platform for forward-thinking and innovative work for Young People and Family Audiences.

Plays selected for our TYA Festival Showcase receive rehearsal with a professional cast and director, providing an opportunity for the playwright to collaborate with other professionals during the development process. The plays are presented semi-staged, script-in-hand for audiences, providing the playwright further opportunity to develop the work, in the presence of our Tampa Bay community. The dates for the TYA Festival Showcase is currently set for August 21st - 24th, 2025. Plays selected for the TYA Festival Showcase are under consideration for full production in a subsequent season with ThinkTank Theatre.

Our Play Festival Audience: At ThinkTank, we make it our mission to produce inspirational, captivating, and forward-thinking professional theater for Young People and Family Audiences. ThinkTank believes young people and family audience material should reflect the world our young people currently experience and, as such, we do not shy away from mature topics, subject matter, and language. Please feel free to submit plays that might fit this genre.

Play Content: Plays should contain at least one character of a younger experience (to be played by actors aged 14-18). Plays that represent a variety of human experiences and/or characters who can be played by members of our community with special needs will be given further consideration, as these highlight the diverse community of our Tampa Bay Area.

We are not currently accepting musical submissions for the festival this season.

Selected Playwrights: Playwrights whose plays are selected for the 2025 Festival Showcase will receive up to a $500 honorarium to assist with travel to Tampa to take part in rehearsals and the staged readings.

The honorariums are generously gifted to the 2025 ThinkTank TYA Playwrights Festival by the

Gobioff Foundation, The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners and ThinkTank's individual donors and sponsors.

Submission Guidelines:

- Deadline for submissions: Monday, March 25th 2025.

- Deadline for New Dramatists, Agent and PW Center Submissions: April 16th (If submitting past March 24th, please email tyaplayfest@thinktanktya.org to submit).

- Please submit your play via this Google form to be considered for our 2025 Play Festival by Monday March 25th, 2025.

- We will not be using the tagging on NPX as in the past, it has recommended TYA works that haven't aligned with the needs of our festival. We recognize the additional step required here to submit and appreciated you taking the time to share your work with us as a potential component of our TYA PlayFest.

- For Round One, please select a scene or up to 20 pages from the play that you feel best showcases your piece. If you submit your full play, we will only read the first 20-pages.
- Please also submit a description of the full-length play.
- Plays should have had no prior Florida Professional Productions.
(If the play has had a workshop production, please include this information on your form, as well as information about the company, # of performances, and contact information, if applicable.)
- Playwrights moved into Round Two for TYA Festival Showcase will be contacted around the end of April to submit the full-length draft of their play. All Playwrights will be contacted by July 15th, regarding their submissions.


Genres: adaptation, adventure, biography, comedy, docudrama/historic, drama, fable/folktale, fantasy, mystery/thriller, parody/spoof, period, science fiction, tragedy, young audiences

Length: 60-90 minutes, 90 minutes to two hours

Cast Size: 1–8, if your cast has more than 8 characters, please include a doubling list

Age Appropriateness: ages 14-17, ages 18 and up

Unproduced Work Only?: Can not have been produced in Florida

Playwright Location: United States and Canada

The MAC Theater Playwrights Incubator program 2025-2026


Deadline: March 31, 2025

The MAC Theater Playwrights Incubator is a program for first-time playwrights to see their work realized on the stage.

Finding theaters to produce new or unpublished plays can be an obstacle for any new playwright. The MAC Theater Playwrights Incubator is a structured program that aims to discover and support, through workshop and production, new stage plays by first time, unpublished regional playwrights.

These plays are small cast shows with one to six characters. Selected playwrights will work with two mentors who are experienced theater artists to fine-tune their plays over the course of several months and prepare the script for production.

After regular writing evaluations and the script is ready, the mentors will work with the MAC to find a director and assist her or him in casting the show with appropriate actors. One or more readings with a select focus group audience will include a feedback-response process, and the end result is a completed script, ready for debut performance for a live audience on stage at the Marion Art Center.

Any new writer who has not yet been published or had a play produced is invited to submit her or his script or outline for consideration. There is no cost to participate in this program. Selected applicants are required to sign an agreement with the MAC Theater, outlining expectations and a commitment to the program. Playwrights must be available to meet on site with mentors, for readings and all aspects of the production process including auditions, rehearsals, tech work and performances.

Playwrights Incubator Application

To be considered for the MAC Theater's Playwrights Incubator program, click on the box online to start the application process. The Playwrights Incubator committee will review your proposal and will reach out if any further information is needed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sesame Workshop Writers’ Room fellowship 2025


Deadline: April 14, 2025

Sesame Workshop Writers’ Room is a writing fellowship from the creators of Sesame Street. And we’re looking for YOU!

Fresh new writing talent that reflects our vast audience. Emerging storytellers who are selected to join the Writers’ Room will receive hands-on writing experience guided by Sesame Street veterans and other media industry leaders. Each participant will develop and write a pilot script for their own original kids’ program. Past fellows have gone on to develop their own original content with Sesame Workshop, as well as write for Sesame Street and various programs at Nickelodeon, Disney, DreamWorks, and more! Application window opens March 10th thru April 14th.

  • Up to 6 writers will be selected 
  • Sessions are expected to take place virtually from August to November 2025
  • Learn from industry writers, producers, agents and executives 
  • Learn and complete all steps of creating an original pilot episode script
  • Includes eight, three-hour sessions; and 12, one-hour office hours sessions on creating original children’s content 
  • Up to two participants will have the opportunity to receive creative development deals and further mentorship

RubySky Productions seeks 10-minute plays

Facebook page

Deadline: March 31, 2025

RubySky Productions is looking for plays of 10 minutes or fewer, for their next audio production. Us Rubys are keen to inspire the next generation of playwrights, so please share to any family or friends! 

Any subject and genre, just keep to under 10 minutes please and ideally suitable for audio. Open to anyone worldwide under 18, no other restrictions. 

Depending on entrants 2 age groups may be implemented. A small stipend in the form of an Amazon Voucher will be offered for the winning entrant(s).

Please submit to RubySkyProductions@outlook.com

Any questions, please ask.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Once Off Productions presents THE UNITED STATES VS ULYSSES, their bawdy courtroom drama telling the true story of the New York trial that liberated James Joyce’s Ulysses from American censorship and made Joyce a cultural icon.

From April 30 to Jun 1, 2025

More information at the Irish Arts Center here.

Use JOYCE15 at checkout to redeem a 15% discount on regular and premium seats.

SAM BASS THEATRE: 2nd Annual 10-Minute Play Festival


Deadline: April 4, 2025
Or when they receive 200 submissions

They have received their limit of 200 submissions - DO NOT SEND

Round Rock Texas
  • Plays should be between 10-15 minutes in length (approximately 10-15 pages), not including cover page and character descriptions.
  • Each play should include a maximum of three (3) characters. 
  • Plays should be unpublished and unproduced at the time of submission. Previous staged readings will not disqualify a script.
  • Submissions will be blind (no identifying information on the script itself). Cover pages will be submitted separately via the form.
  • Submissions must be in .docx or .pdf format.
  • One submission per playwright.
  • Submission window: March 14 - April 4 (or when submissions reach 200, whichever is first).
  • Panel of readers will include board members of Sam Bass Theatre Association and members of the local theatre community.
  • Playwrights should expect to receive notification of their status in the festival via email by April 11.
  • Selected plays will be performed at the Round Rock Library on Friday, May 16 at 7:00pm. 
  • Selected playwrights will receive a recording of their original work as it is performed that evening.

Mini Plays magazine seeks submissions for their JUNE 2025 anthology


Deadine: June 15, 2025

We are looking for submissions for our JUNE 2025 anthology.

The theme of the June 2025 issue is 'LOVE'. Please send us mini plays and monologues on this theme.

The length of a mini play or monologue should not exceed 2 pages of text.

Last date of submission: June 15th, 2025

Please send your work to miniplaysmag@gmail.com

Submit your high definition photo in JPEG format for publication with your work.

Please share your author profile (60 words) for publication in the anthology.


The anthology will be published in pdf and paperback edition.

A free Pdf edition of anthology will be published on our website .

A paperback edition will be published on ingram spark or lulu.com.

There is no publication, reading, processing or publishing fee.

Monday, March 17, 2025

The Weekly Workshop ~ see your script through from beginning to end

The Weekly Workshop

Join our nationwide community of playwrights on Zoom. 

It’s a great way to stay connected and motivated.


Participating in a weekly workshop can give you the kick you need to see your script through from beginning to end.  You can bring in anything you’re working on — a full length script, a musical, a TV pilot, whatever. And when your script is ready — we’ll present it in a Public Reading. We also bring in Guest Speakers, like Pulitzer Prize winner Margaret Edson (Wit). 



Sit in on a session and see for yourself!

Tuesdays or Thursdays 7 - 9:30pm EST


Check out our website for more details and rates. 


Script Consultations


If you don’t have time for the workshop but have a script you’d like some feedback on — just send a PDF of your script and you’ll get a critique via email and/or video conference. See website for rates.


Richard Caliban has worked with  individuals on their scripts from all over the world — Indonesia, China, Greece, Australia, Serbia, as well as right here in New York. A script consultation will provide you with feedback on the structural soundness of your story, the dramatic arc of your protagonist, thematic unity and much more.


Online One-on-One Courses


If you’re looking for more, check out our One on One Online Playwriting Courses:


       The Art of Playwriting

       Write a Play in 10 Weeks

       3 Hour Short Course


All are with instructor Richard Caliban, and since it’s One on One, the courses can be adjusted to fit your level of experience. 


Please visit our website for further Info and Rates: 




Contact us at 


Don McCann Playwriting Contest 2025


Deadline: June 15, 2025

The Oswego Players were established in 1938 as a non-profit community theater organization dedicated to live theater productions and theater education for Oswego area residents. Consistent with those goals, a playwriting contest was established to promote the creation of original, one-act plays by contemporary authors.

The contest is FREE and open to any playwright who is 18 years or older and resides (or attends college) in the state of New York.
  • All plays must be based on original concepts (no adaptions of any works or no verse plays), unpublished and unproduced.
  • The Oswego Players reserves the right to produce and perform any of the prize winners.
  • The content, theme, and time period of the play are at the discretion of the writer.
  • Since a live production of the of at least one of the prize winners is planned* simplicity is highly recommended:
  • One act, single set, with a run time of 20 to 30
  • Written so it can be staged with minimal set, props, lighting and sound effects, and costume design.
  • The story should not exceed eight characters due to the potential unavailability of actors.
  • All entries must include a cover page which includes the name of the play, name of the playwright, and an updated address, phone number, and email address.
Provided there are enough entries, the following cash prizes will be awarded:
– 1st Prize: $250.00 – 2nd Prize: $150.00 – 3rd Prize: $75.00

Submissions must be received by June 15th of the contest year and sent either electronically to osweplay@yahoo.com or through the mail, Donald J. McCann Memorial Playwriting Contest, P.O. Box 183, Oswego, NY 13126.

The writers of any of the prize winners automatically gives permission to the Oswego Players, Inc. to make copies of the script for rehearsal purposes.
Submission of an entry will constitute agreement by the writer/author to the terms described herein.

* Consistent with the organizational goals of the Oswego Players, Inc., it is their desire to produce a live stage production of the winning entry within a year of its selection. However, the organization reserves the right to opt out of this provision due to unforeseen, extenuating circumstances.

Woodward/Newman Award 2026-27


Deadline: August 31, 2025

Each play should be individually submitted at the following link: CONSTELLATION STAGE & SCREEN PLAY SUBMISSION.

We are currently accepting submissions for the 2026-27 Woodward/Newman Award. The award recipient will be announced by May 15, 2026. The winner will be awarded $3,000 and a full production.“Full-length” plays should have a complete running time of between 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes) to 2 hours 15 minutes (135 minutes). 

TYA shows should have a complete running time of over 40 minutes.

Plays submitted must be unpublished at the time of submission (independently published is acceptable).

You will be asked to submit your play as an attachment and all other information (bio, history, synopsis, character breakdown) will be entered into a form. 
  • Musical submissions may upload demos as an attachment or include a link to a shared folder.
  • Limit of 2 play submissions per year.
  • $3,000 cash prize is in lieu of royalties for the full production. Housing & transportation will also be provided.
  • Any unpublished play submitted to Constellation regardless of method (e.g. online form, agent submission, direct contact) may be considered for the Woodward/Newman Award.
Please note that we are moving away from a “finalists” model in lieu of keeping all plays under consideration for extended periods (2yrs). We will only announce a winner.

If you have any questions, please email literary@seeconstellation.org.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Open: Journal of Arts & Letters seeks plays


Deadline: Mar 20, 2025 11:59 PM


Open: Journal of Arts & Letters will consider fee-free submissions of drama whose effects can be experienced either on the page or in production.

Submit a file with up to 5000 lines, including title, byline, dramatis personae, and stage direction.

O:JA&L will consider several formatting options for drama: 1) conventions of formatting published by Gordon State College, 2) suggestions for formatting published by The Dramatists Guild, or 3) play formats in specialized software programs for writers like Final Draft or Movie Magic. Submissions which deviate by degrees of magnitude from these conventions of form will be declined.

Submitters should include a cover letter. This cover letter should contain, in the manner of a screenplay, a HEADER for the work, a LOGLINE of up to 30 words, and a SYNOPSIS of the work (without spoilers) of up to 150 words. This cover letter should also include a third-person professional biography of the playwright in 100 words, more or less.

Open: Journal of Arts & Letters will only consider plays that have never before been produced or published. Submissions must be made in PDF file format only.

Garfield Center for the Arts Short Attention Span Theatre 2025


Deadline: March 26, 2025 at 11:59 PM

It’s that time of year again! The Garfield Center for the Arts (Chestertown Maryland) is embarking on the exciting annual adventure in theatre known as “Short Attention Span Theatre”. For those not in the know, that’s our annual 10-minute play festival. Performance dates are July 11-13, July 18-20 and July 25-27.

We are seeking scripts for 10-minute plays.

We love all playwrights but most of all we love supporting our local playwrights. We started Live Playwrights’ Society(LPS) with this in mind. There is no cost to be a member. Just show up for a meeting!
  • LPS members may submit up to five 10-minute plays.
  • Non-LPS members may submit two 10-minute plays. Choose your very best!
We anonymize submitted scripts before they are read by our panel of judges, so please refrain from putting your name anywhere except an optional cover sheet. (Seriously, please don’t make our anonymizer’s job any harder — thanks!)

We will stop accepting submissions after we receive 300 scripts.
Please send your scripts in PDF format.
Your play will fare better if it is well formatted. Look for links on the Live Playwrights’ Society site for tips on formatting.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm Wednesday, March 26, 2025.

Here is our play selection process:

Submissions are anonymized and then read by our panel of judges.

Our panel of judges selects a number of submitted plays which are then offered to our group of directors.

You can see which plays made it through to directors on the SAST info page: https://www.garfieldcenter.org/sast/#playwrights

Our directors select from this list (in addition to a list of published plays).

We will announce our final selections by June 1st.

Questions? Email sastplays@garfieldcenter.org

Good luck & get to typing

Mark Sullivan
SAST 2025 Executive Producer

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Hello Godot - FreshWords' One-Minute Existential Play Anthology


Deadline: May 5, 2025

1. Theme and Tone

Plays must explore existential themes such as meaning, futility, waiting, hope, despair, or the absurdity of existence.

Tone can range from darkly humorous to poignant or tragic, but should align with the spirit of existential literature (e.g., Beckett, Camus, Sartre).

Submissions should resonate with the idea of "waiting for Godot" or the search for meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe.

2. Format and Structure

Each play must be exactly one minute in length when performed. This typically translates to 1-2 pages of dialogue or action.

Plays should be minimalist, with a focus on concise, impactful dialogue and action.

Maximum of 2-3 characters per play to maintain simplicity and focus.

Stage directions should be minimal but clear.

3. Originality

Submissions must be original, unpublished works.

Plays should not infringe on any existing copyrights or intellectual property.

Adaptations or reimaginings of existing works (e.g., Waiting for Godot) are acceptable as long as they are transformative and original.

4. Submission Details

Submit your play as a PDF or Word document with the file name: HelloGodot_YourName_PlayTitle.

Include a cover page with:

Play title

Your full name

Contact information (email, phone number)

A brief bio (50-70 words)

Email your submission to dramaanthologyfreshwords@gmail.com with the subject line: Submission: Hello Godot – [Your Name].

5. Rights

Playwrights will retain copyright to their individual works.

6. Deadline

Submissions must be received by May 5th, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered.

7. Selection Process

Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of editors and theatre professionals.

Selected playwrights will be notified via email by May 10th, 2025.

We look forward to receiving your one-minute existential masterpieces! Let’s explore the absurd, the profound, and the fleeting moments that define our existence together.

The Players Theatre Short Play Festival ~ NYC


Deadline: March 25, 2025

Submit by visiting https://shortplaynyc.com/submit/ and submitting your PDF (PDF preferrable but also accept DOC and DOCX)

New York City is like no other place in the world! We are seeking plays that get to the heart of the Big Apple and explore what makes this town tick. Unique New York – it’s more than a tongue twister – it is a way of life! Plays must be NYC–themed or have something to do with living in NYC. Descriptions of past plays are here.

Performances: Plays run Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm, Sundays at 3pm on one of three weekends June 5 – 22, 2025. There is a mandatory 45-minute tech rehearsal on the Sunday before that play's weekend.
  • Plays must be 15 minutes or less, ideally in the 10 – 15 minute range
  • This is a self-produced short play festival in a 50-seat black box theatre located at 115 MacDougal St., NYC. It is upstairs at the Players Theatre in the Steve and Marie Sgouros Theatre. We provide lighting and sound in our 50-seat black box.
  • No restrictions on eligibility – all over 18 years of age are welcome to submit
  • Playwrights may submit up to two plays
  • No plays that have been/will be produced within 2 months before or after in the NYC area
  • Playwrights will be notified within 2 weeks of submission deadline as to whether their play has been accepted or declined
  • There is NO submission fee; if accepted and the playwright chooses to participate, there is a one-time $50 tech fee.

Call for Submissions: Brave Voices Short-Play Festival


Deadline: March 31, 2025 @11:59PM

Are you a playwright with a passion for telling stories that center around LGBTQIA+, POC, and other marginalized voices? We want to hear from you! Brave Voices, a short-play festival celebrating underrepresented perspectives, is now accepting submissions of original 10-minute plays.

Theme: Stories must center around LGBTQIA+, POC, or marginalized characters. All genres (including horror) are welcome.

Length: 10-minute plays (approximately 8–10 pages).

Originality: All plays must be unpublished (though prior productions are permitted) and should be suitable for a low-budget black box theater.

Submission Format: Scripts should be submitted as a PDF or Word document, with a cover page that includes the title of the play, your name, and contact information.

Playwrights of selected works will receive a $50 honorarium and their work will be part of the Brave Voices Short-Play Festival in August 2025 at Boxland in Columbus, Ohio.

Selected playwrights will be notified via email by April 20, 2025.
How to Submit:

Please send your script to boxlandsubmissions@gmail.com with the subject line: "Brave Voices – [Your Play Title]."

Boxland Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit supporting Central Ohio multimedia artists. We provide a platform for artists, actors, and other creatives to showcase their work.

Our mission is to facilitate the production of quality creative multimedia and provide a safe, fair, stable, and supportive launchpad for the artists who produce it.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Playwrights Horizons 25-26 Season Fellow Application


Deadline: March 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM


Please complete the application for consideration for the 2025/2026 Fellowship Program. This application is due on Friday, March 28th at 11:59PM. If you have any questions, please contact fellowships@phnyc.org

The Playwrights Horizons Theatrical Fellowship Program provides hands-on learning opportunities for the next generation of leaders in the performing arts industry.
This program offers excellent practical experience and training for a career in arts administration or stage management, and an opportunity to collaborate closely with and learn from Playwrights staff members and professionals in the industry. We are proud that many program alumni have gone on to become some of the most active directors, writers, composers, and administrators in the country, and in addition, many former fellows have joined the Playwrights staff.

The fellowships that are currently offered are:Stage Management
  • Artistic/Literary
  • Marketing
  • General Management
Fellows are paid $16.50 per hour. Fellows also receive unlimited MetroCards for the duration of their fellowship.
Fellows will…Be invited to attend a series of seminars that include talks with seasoned professionals in the industry
Have access to a professional development stipend
Be invited to participate in Opening Nights, Community Events, and other staff events
Receive theater tickets and tickets to PH’s shows

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