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Friday, October 19, 2012

Undressing Cinderella, a new play festival at Middlebury College, VT seeks scripts

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The Theatre Department of Middlebury College, in conjunction with Project Y Theatre Company, NYC, is seeking submissions for a new play festival at Middlebury College April 10-13th, 2013.

Project Y Theatre Company is committed to the development of new work in New York City through an incubation process of readings, workshop productions, and ultimately, a fully-produced world premiere. www.projectytheatre.org

Cinderella is a fairy tale with roots in 47 different countries around the world, each with its own version of the beautiful servant girl whose left-behind shoe is the only clue to her actual identity. Through Undressing Cinderella -- turning this well-known tale inside out – we seek to explore this  universality, discovering which elements shine through and which new ones emerge.


1) Write a play inspired by the fairy tale Cinderella using any character other than Cinderella as the main focus.  Connection to the original tale need not be literal and the play may be set anytime and anywhere.  A composite version is available here:
http://www.middlebury.edu/media/view/435195/original/cinderalla.pdf or you are free to pull
from your own.

2) Create a cast with at least double the number of female characters to male characters.

3) Total running time: 10 minutes minimum, up to 30 minutes maximum.

All submissions will be considered for full production in the Middlebury festival, as well as possible developmental readings and production in New York under the auspices of Project Y Theatre Company.

First Prize:  $400.00
Second Prize:  $200.00
Third Prize:  $50.00

The collaboration between Project Y Theatre Company and the Middlebury Department of Theatre is an example of Middlebury’s long-term commitment to providing professional opportunities for students and alumni and of the invigorating relationship between the department and its alums.

Submissions are due by October 25th
Can be emailed to Assistant Professor of Theatre and CoArtistic Director of Project Y Theatre Company Andrew W Smith at:  awsmith@middlebury.edu.

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